The topic itself says that anyone can be a writer if you really have a huge desire to be a writer. As a writer I unconditionally love to encourage people who like to put pen to paper. And here you can catch some good tips and tricks on writing.
You don’t have to write shedload of pages to make yourself a noble writer. Just come up with one page of masterpiece to a zillion pages of rubbish. If you have an ardor for writing then sure you’re having flowery imaginations, you find the beauty in the things you see and you put your thoughts into words on a piece of a paper.
For me writing is like tasting life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. Write whatever the things you are experiencing today and every day. Because by that you can enhance your writing skills and apply to your life in general as well.
Be mindful when you are moving with the society. So you can observe and deal with different kinds of personalities and situations. Surely showing up with all your responsiveness and attention is the first and most essentialstep to writing well. Itinfluences living well on top that you can live deeply and fully.
Take things slowly, one day at a time. You can’t write a novel in one day. Mindful work today, then another in the next day, then another, the result might be years later as a novel, screenplay, a stunning success.
Keep Samuel Beckett’s words in your mind which he once said “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Because When you write, failure is a given, When you live, failure is a given, these each “failure” teaches you something significant and important about your writing. The harder the fall, the higher the bounce back up. So don’t be frightened to fall.
Always be fascinated with words. Give sentences a structure, a color, and a rhythm. Just take writing as an opportunity to spill out your innermost thoughts. Grab your pen and a paper and then write when you are alone in the house and you can't find anyone to talk. Writing is a great way of expressing yourself, disposing your feelings as well. Eventually you will end up with a prodigious story.
As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors you can find. Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing.
The most favorable tip I can give to you is write daily at least about for 30 minutes minimum.Because for a writer a day without writing is like a person spending his day without any food.
“For anyone who is: just keep writing. Keep reading. If you are meant to be a writer, a storyteller, it’ll work itself out. You just keep feeding it your energy, and giving it that crucial chance to work itself out. By reading and writing.”
Robin McKinley
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